This little mourning dove built a nest right in a high traffic area. Maybe that will keep predators away? I tried not to disturb her though the wind probably did enough of that today.
The Tiger Swallowtail could not get enough of these flowers. It would waft away then come zooming back for more. I'm zooming into the weekend on glorious weather.
There's a grove along the river that burned last year. The blackened trees that are still standing aren't leafing out. They seem to be a haven for birds, however, who were happily burbling away.
A butterfly touched down briefly on my hand, lizards did push ups on logs, and I startled a turkey into flight. Grass is nearly knee high now. Altogether a perfect first day of spring.
The Ides of March dawned gray and drizzly. Twas a perfect day to putter, bake bread, and think garden thoughts. Tree branches squeaked and creaked as if they needed oil and this beetle scurried along.
I saw two painted ladies (butterflies). Plants and people looking perkier with the clouds lifting and the puddles drying. Daisies are marching across lawns.